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27.06.2023 Tel Aviv

Roundtable "Security by Design" in Tel Aviv

27 June, 2023

In the scope of the German-Israeli Energy Partnership, an exclusive roundtable on "Cybersecurity by Design – Critical Energy Infrastructure" was held as part of the Cyber Week at Tel Aviv University on 27 June, 2023. The roundtable served as a vital platform to focus on the concept of "Security by Design" within the energy sector's critical infrastructure by bringing together prominent figures from Germany's Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI), Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), and industry representatives, along with their Israeli counterparts from the National Cyber Directorate (INDC), Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MoEI), and industry experts.
The participants engaged in an enriching bilateral exchange on the then-current certification and taxonomy regulating security design within the energy sector and discussed standardized security criteria in developing soft- and hardware to ensure safety for key energy technologies.

Ultimately, the discussions led to valuable insights and potential solutions for introducing and establishing secure technology in the market.