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Cybersecurity: Building safer energy infrastructure together

6-7 May, 2024

In recent years, the number of cyber-attacks on critical energy infrastructure has risen drastically – in Israel and Germany. These attacks can take place on the level of IT, as well as OT. On one hand, the digital infrastructure needs to be designed in a secure fashion. On the other hand, energy infrastructure is based on physical properties and thus, energy infrastructure requires other cybersecurity measures than other systems which are only based on IT systems. Consequently, both need to be thought together to ensure the resilience of critical energy infrastructure. 

To prevent cyber-attacks from taking root and consequently, having dire consequences, for example blackouts, the German-Israeli Energy Partnership encompasses cooperative efforts.

The various exchanges highlighted the need for academic guidance on key topics. Consequently, a bilateral research collaboration was initiated between the Israeli Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and the German National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity (ATHENE).

The high-level opening ceremony for a bilateral research project was held at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main on 06.-07.05.24. This provided the opportunity for senior researchers from Israel and Germany to discuss joint research topics. The workshop was opened by the Vice President of Goethe University Frankfurt, Prof Dr Bernhard Brüne, and the Managing Director of ATHENE, Prof Dr Michael Waidner. A minute's silence to mark Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day was followed by words of welcome from Bettina Stark-Watzinger, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Dr Philipp Steinberg, Director General at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), Timon Gremmels, the Minister of the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts (HMWK), as well as representatives of the Embassy of the State of Israel in Berlin and the Israeli Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure.

Under the direction of Prof Dr Haya Schulmann, Professor at Goethe University, over 40 experts from German and Israeli research, industry and government met to discuss problems and possible solutions. Keynote speeches by Dr Marie-Luise Wolff, President of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) and CEO of ENTEGA AG, and Chen Girat, CISO of IEC - Israel Electric Corporation, Israel's largest energy supplier, paved the way for discussions on developing resilient architectures, detecting attacks and defending against threats in the energy sector.

This bilateral research project promises great discussions and with applicable research outcomes for the entire energy sector.